Understanding how BSS B2B Solution offers Free Plan
Why Are Test Charges Required?
When using our app in development, partner test, or trial stores, you may encounter a request to approve test charges. We understand that this might seem confusing, especially when you're in a free store environment. However, rest assured that these charges are only part of the app's built-in process to allow access to advanced features.
What Are Test Charges?
Test charges act as a placeholder for our app's billing process. While they appear similar to real charges, they won't result in actual costs for your store as long as you're in development, partner, or trial modes.
Why Do You Need to Approve Test Charges?
Approving test charges is necessary to:
Activate advanced features and functionalities.
Ensure that our app simulates the full experience and billing process.
Allow us to prepare your store for the live environment when you eventually switch to a paid Shopify plan.
Without approving these charges, the app cannot activate all of its features.
Are There Any Actual Costs Involved?
No, you won't be charged if:
Your store is a development store, partner test store, or within Shopify’s trial period.
Test charges are virtual, and Shopify will not deduct any actual funds from your account during this period.
How to Approve Test Charges
When prompted by our app, click Approve Charges.
Review the information confirming that these charges are test charges and won't lead to actual billing.
Confirm approval to unlock advanced features.

Confirming Free Usage
For development, partner test, or trial stores, all advanced features will be fully accessible once the test charges are approved— without any actual cost to you. You can continue using and testing the app with complete confidence that your store remains free during this period.
When Do Real Charges Apply?
Real charges only apply when:
Your store is on a paid Shopify plan.
You have completed your trial and have switched to a live, non-development environment.
If you're still unsure or have any questions, feel free to contact our support team for further assistance.
Updated on: 27/12/2024
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