Articles on: BSS B2B Solution

How to Create & Publish a Wholesale Signup Form with BSS B2B Solution?

If you want to create a dedicated registration form to verify a Wholesale company (business name, address, license, etc.), then our Registration Form feature would be your go-to solution.

Step 1: Enable the module and Go to Configuration

Navigate to Customer management on navigation

Toggle on the feature, then go to Configuration

Press Create form to configure your form

Step 2: Edit the Form fields

There are a lot of fields that you can choose from and customize your own form.

You can click Add field button to add more fields to the form.
|| The Upload File field allows file types are .csv, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .pdf, .wav, .xls, .xlsx, .zip, .txt, .mp4 and the file must not exceed 2MB.

You can also customize the field label, the field width and make the field required.

Step 3: Advanced settings (Optional)

We know, sometimes, you want to review and manually review the register submissions, then after that, your customers will be able to access your B2B & Wholesale prices. Luckily, our app provides that feature directly in Registration Form configuration. You can check out more our advanced settings.

Step 4: Preview & Publish your form

Preview your form

Modify the Form URL where you want to embed the form

Click Save

Copy the URL and check <3

Please don't forget to enable the app embed. Check it out on Dashboard

How to add a form to the storefront?

Updated on: 27/12/2024

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